
And another year begins.

So today is new year’s day, but I really don’t feel the need to celebrate.

What I think I need to work on this year is learning something new. A skill, a software language, a programming technique, etc. For instance, at work, we use Version One, Clearcase/Clearquest, cmake. I have spent zero time trying to “work” with these applications. I perform the minimum I need to do my work, and then pretend they don’t exist. However, I think I need to work on trying to actually use them effectivly. Maybe that will make my work more enjoyable, but I doubt it.

My preference would be to spend more time working with my other hobbies. I have three 3D printers, a Kickstarter project I backed in 2016 or 2017 for the 101Hero delta 3D printer, an Anet A8 that I got the same week as the 101Hero, that I have since upgraded to an all metal frame with a BTT SKR 1.4t control board, and a Geeetech A10T printer with a 3 in 1 out mixing extruder. I have most of the parts printed, and most of the tube cute to build a Piper V1 as well. I also have an MPCNC that I have been using for a year or two. I have unfortunately never really had the time to mess with the MPCNC to get it dialed in, so all the projects that I have attempted have either been silly little things, or complete failures.


First Post

So this is my first post on this blog. It isn’t flashy, informative, or really helpful in any way. I have owned this domain for so very long. I just checked my email, and I first registered this domain May 27th of 2007, so over 14 years ago. I used the domain for various things over the years, at some point maybe I will check the way back machine to see if it ever backed up the site. Now I plan on trying to write down a little about what I am thinking on whatever topic I choose.

I am a husband, a father to FIVE absolutely wonderful girls, a software engineer, a hobbyist electrical engineer, and an absolute fanatic about Ford Broncos. These are just some of the topics I may decide to one day write about.

I honestly do not expect anyone to read this, but in the event someone does, please leave me a comment and tell me what you think.